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Switches (Radio)

Switches have the following properties:

Property Required? Type Options Description
bg no string
  • null (default)
  • transparent
  • warning
  • success
  • info
  • notice
Background color of the Switch.
dialBg no string
  • null (default)
  • warning
  • success
  • info
  • notice
The background color of the switch radial knob.
id string Value of the id attribute for the Switch (radio input).
value string Value of the default value of the Switch.

Basic Examples
Basic Switch example.

1<x-fcui-switch-radio id="switchOne">
2 Switch Label Goes Here

Advanced Example
Switch with a background and no label.

1<x-fcui-switch-radio id="switchThree" bg="success" value="status"></x-fcui-switch-radio>